So, yes, I do think they belong where I put them.Again, as I said in the post, I’m more concerned with figuring out how to approach problems than figuring out what to call their solutions.Fiquring out a lot in innovation actually might help before you jump into a problem.Sustaining innovation comes from a more thoughtful, detailed approach and why you want to arrive at this state.My perspective is one of someone who has run businesses where I knew I had to innovate and the central question was, “How should I do this. L’UX et les approches centrées utilisateurs aident à découvrir, comprendre et anticiper les solutions dont les consommateurs ont besoin. Others, like digital cameras (who knew they wanted one until they existed) and discovery of extraterrestrial life (maybe someone’s out there, maybe there’s not), are a bit more nebulous.There is also variance in who is best positioned to solve problems. Bravo Hassan J’espère que tu publieras régulièrement. Excellent article de référence pour des promoteurs ou entrepreneurs voulant entreprendre une démarche d’innovation. by Greg Satell. Do I need to bring in a third party? One issue is your sustaining innovation, does this fit.Well, it really matters why you are categorizing. At the moment, four written ideas are in my drawers and that i’m not sure of whats next,would an open innovation do best? Pour en savoir plus et paramétrer vos cookies, Les 4 types d’innovation, mineures ou majeures, sont vouées à l’échec si on perd de vue les composantes internes et externes de l’innovation.L’expert en innovation d’entreprise Greg Satell présente les quatre modèles d’innovation : la recherche fondamentale, l’innovation de rupture, l’innovation durable et l’innovation de rupture.
On peut choisir d’améliorer un produit ou un service déjà présent sur un marché mature en optimisant ses performances ou son utilisation. À l’heure actuelle, les deux concepts n’ont plus le même sens.Cette forme d’innovation est redoutable et témoigne d’une excellente compréhension des attentes des utilisateurs ainsi que du contexte.En effet, les innovations sont le résultat de phénomènes internes et externes.La recherche d’idées innovantes et leur mise en œuvre naît de ces différentes interactions. Crowdsource? C’est ainsi que le spécialiste de l’industrie photographique, Kodak, a fait faillite face à l’essor de la photo numérique.

Anyway, we have prepared a template to use the innovation management matrix with Priority Matrix: I am learning about digital innovation and this article was very helpful. Schumpeter est également à l’origine du concept de Un progrès technique, technologique ou scientifique, par exemple, permet d’innover radicalement. Illustration David Plunkert. PCR was an innovation.I need to dig more in the difference between breakthrough and the disruption.In a very real sense, you are right, which is why many people don’t consider basic research to be innovation. Certaines proviennent plus particulièrement de la technologie (De multiples approches de l’innovation se côtoient actuellement.Citons par exemple les modèle économiques (Business Models) suivants :Cependant, innover ne se résume pas à bénéficier d’un avantage concurrentiel ou à générer de la croissance économique.
?The point of the matrix is not to classify innovations, but to classify problems in order to identify the most suitable strategy to solve them.So, it depends on how they approach it and what problems they seek to solve. Those were difficult problems that took a few years to solve, but it was pretty clear what was involved and who was capable of solving them.I’ve referred to disruptive innovation in the past as Transistors and the discovery of the structure of DNA are both good examples of breakthrough innovation.Upon a little reflection, it should become clear that different types of innovations address different types of problems. model building) was highly innovative and discovery is an important part of the innovation process. I designed this approach not to describe every type of innovation, but to help decide how to approach problem.