Postal codes for Iasi, Romania. Roumanie Code postal recherche. Having the correct code is essential to your mails delivery. Bucuresti, Iasi, Cluj, Brasov, Prahova, Arges, Bacau. For cross-checking there are displayed all the 6 postcodes assigned to Calea Bucureşti.The advantage of using this application becomes apparent when you have to search a street that has many postcodes assigned. For example, Şoseaua Pantelimon from Bucharest has 66 postcodes assigned. Codurile poștale ale străzilor cuprind denumirea străzii în ordine alfabetică, numerele imobilelor cu și fără soț, în ordine crescătoare.

If you fill in the street number, this application will automatically show you the correct postcode without you having to manually analyse all the 66 records.The first postcodes were introduced in Romania in 1974 and had four digits. Use our interactive map, address lookup, or code list to find the correct zip code for your postal mails destination.

On 1st May 2003 new postcodes with six digits were introduced.Street number ranges from an address refer exclusively to even or odd numbers. Postal codes for all regions in Romania. Recherche de code postal: Roumanie, Liste des villes commençant par la lettre suivante: C. Roumanie Iaşi Județ, Iaşi Codes postaux (version de l'ordinateur). Enter the street name to narrow down your search!For more details check the table below. For example: Recherche des codes postaux par ville Roumanie. 1-25; 2-16: 700671: Iaşi: Iaşi: Bulevard Poitiers nr. Cod postal, judet, localitate, strada. Sélectionnez les deux premières lettres de la ville: CA (53) CE (12) CH … Motorul de căutare cuprinde lista completă a localităților din tara noasră (localitati pe judete). De exemplu, când se afișează 4-T, aceasta înseamnă: de la numărul 4 la toate numerele pare. Trouvé nombre de codes postaux: 55123 . Interactive map of zip codes in Iasi, Romania. Locate the correct postal codes for Iasi in the list above by choosing the destination city or town you are sending to.Unsure which city to choose? Postcode Street name and number City/Town County; 700036: Strada 14 … Use our interactive map, address lookup, or code list to find the correct zip code for your postal mails destination. Cod Postal Romania - Zip Code Romania - Lista coduri postale din Romania. Just use our lookup by address feature at the top of the page or click on the our interactive map to access your needed zip code.

Cod … Réduisez la liste. 1445 records which match your search criteria were found! Just click on the location you desire for a postal code/address for your mails destination.Each administrative division maintains its own postal code for mail delivery purposes.

Cod Postal Romania - Zip Code Romania - Lista coduri postale din Romania. Judet Localitate Strada Cod postal; Iaşi: Iaşi: Bulevard Poitiers nr.