When reaching level 8 of the Hanami Bridge the player can choose between two options: Mikawa Bridge Mikoto Bridge When the Hanami Bridge is motivated, its production of coins is doubled and its special Productions are enabled. By far, you must choose Mikawa. Vous pouvez choisir entre le pont Mikawa ou le pont Mikoto, et chaque pont unique offre également des récompenses uniques. Defence army boost is garbage. Forge of Empires Tips, Tactics, Tricks and Strategy GuidesIn the Forge of Empires Spring Event 2020, players have to collect as many lanterns as possible. Da Forge of Empires - Wiki IT. Once you reach level 8, you'll be able to choose between two final looks for your bridge. Until here this is exactly strategy 2.To make sure that you also will get the Hanami Bridge on the maximum level, we have to use those origami animals only, which allow us to cross the pond efficiently.Considering both aspects I again sorted the list of animals. We all have reason to look forward to this new event. Lv8 Mikawa bridge(4x6, 26 tiles including road) 7 fps 12-22% att bonus for def army(18% for me) Lv8 Mikoto bridge(4x6, 26 tiles including road) 10 fps. Then we could compare. Du niveau 1 au 7, ce bâtiment fournit le bonheur, la population, les pièces, les médailles, les PF et les biens. The quests are from the range of tasks that we all know already, likeThis time the questline emphasizes supply production a lot.This isn’t difficult but can consume a lot of time.In the beginning quests, 9 and 11 are not that heavy.Later starting with quest 23 there are many more supply production quests. 1d if motivated Bronze Age 1,300 308 120 +12% 2,000 29 7 15 Iron Age 2,240 661 192 +12% 4,800 38 7 15 Early Middle Ages 2,470 1,015 480 +12% 7,900 The Hanami Bridge is a special residential building first given as a reward during the 2020 Spring Event. Da Forge of Empires - Wiki IT. The Mikawa bridge gives 10FP vs the 7FP of the Mikoto. Une fois que vous aurez atteint le niveau 8, vous pourrez choisir entre deux apparences finales pour votre pont. Z Forge of Empires - Wiki PL.

Proprietăți: Producția de bază se dublează când este motivată. The list is sorted with the best target on the left side and the worst on the right side.For us, we were interested in the pagoda upgrade kit.An early day in the event offered the pagoda as a level 1 building which we didn’t need because we still had one in our inventory since last year.Of course, luck has some influence on this, but it is absolutely realistic to build a fire pagoda without having a single pagoda upgrade kit before.Or you concentrate on one of the many other daily specials.

1d si es motivado Edad de Bronce 1.300 308 120 +12% 2.000 29 7 15 Edad de Hierro 2.240 661 192 +12% 4.800 38 7 15 Alta Edad Media 2.470 1.015 Et avant qu'on lise la question 48 fois, pensez à aller sur le site de la Gazette pour voir les quêtes en avant première et remercier

Eigenschaften: Basisproduktion wird verdoppelt, wenn es motiviert ist. 7:06. Checking this daily is very beneficial.This sums up to a total of 8,020 lanterns plus the random number of lanterns from the cherry trees.These are 10% more lanterns than last year. You start this event with an initial stock of 200 lanterns. Salt la: navigare, căutare. Właściwości: Motywacja podwaja produkcję bazową.

Ponte Mikoto.

Much later in the event, the pagoda upgrade kit will be offered as a daily special.Now use all lanterns to get as many upgrade kits as possible. It … From level 1 to 7, this building provides Happiness, Population, Coins, Medals, FP and Goods.

Pour mettre à niveau votre pont Hanami, vous aurez besoin de son kit de mise à niveau ( Defending is completely pointless and irrelevant, so really the only difference between the two is that Mikoto gives you 3 less Forge Points. From level 1 to 7, this building provides Happiness, Population, Coins, Medals, FP and Goods. 1d bij motivering Bronstijd 1.300 308 120 +12% 2.000 29 7 15 IJzertijd 2.240 661 192 +12% 4.800 38 7 15 Vroege middeleeuwen 2.470 1.015 480 +12% On the other side, you will need one more upgrade kit than last year.The lanterns are used in a minigame to receive immediate rewards, daily rewards, and grand prizes.In this minigame you let an Origami frog jump from leaf to leaf across a pond, Each move costs some lanterns.On each leaf is an origami animal waiting. Each of these requires a specific number of lanterns for that move, provides different rewards and has attached a different chance to receive the daily special.Every time you cross the pond completely, you will receive a grand prize.Generally, there are 3 completely different strategies for this minigame.You could always decide for the animal giving the mist attractive immediate reward.With this strategy, you can play the minigame whenever you want.You are absolutely flexible. The higher it is upgraded, the more and better bonuses it delivers. [EN sub] - Duration: 7:06.