Nosy Tanikely has a spectacular coral reef which truly is an aquarium full of life. Nosy Tanikely, une réserve marine locale proposant un lagon magnifique mais aussi une petite randonnée jusqu’au phare avec vue 360° en passant par le petit musée.
Chaetodon de Madagascar 22 Avr 2011. si vous souhaitez mouiller à Nosy Tanikely, vous pourrez passer la journée sur place en vous acquittant du droit de visite de 10 000 ariary par personne soit environ 3,50 €, en revanche il n’est plus possible de dormir au mouillage sur place ! Nosy Tanikely has a spectacular coral reef which truly is an aquarium full of life. The place will be perfect to introduce yourself to scuba diving.Copyright ©2017. On visite généralement Nosy Tanikely au cours d’une excursion (journée ou ½ journée) en bateau depuis Nosy Be ou Nosy Komba. Nosy Tanikely et son parc marin n’attendent plus que vous! Le temps de navigation entre ces deux îles et Tanikely est d’environ 30 minutes. Nosy Tanikely, une réserve marine locale proposant un lagon magnifique mais aussi une petite randonnée jusqu’au phare avec vue 360° en passant par le petit musée. You will see many colored fishes and many species such as : sea turtles, rays, dolphins and even small harmless sharks. In the agenda : sunbathing, diving/snorkeling, picnics and walks toward the island’s peak.The reserve has an exceptional marine wealth. The park’s management is entrusted to the “Tanihely National Park” association composed of three institutional entities among which Madagascar National Park. The island officially became a natural park in 2010 and its reserve extends over a 700 m raidus around its lighthouse, which gives boundaries for the allowed diving zone.Since Nosy Tanikely has become a marine park, fishing is completely prohibited as well as diving by night. A radius of 700m around the lighthouse marks the natural reserve area. Nosy Tanikely and its marine park awaits you !
Sans oublier bien sur la chance de croiser les Lémuriens en libertés durant la visite de l’île.
It is a trip to enjoy in family and introduce yourselves to the joys of diving.Nosy Antanihely, “the island of the small earth” or Nosy Tanikely acquired several years ago the status of Marine and Coastal Protected Area .
Nosy Tanikely est une des merveilleuse île voisine de Nosy Be contenant un parc marin.
The lagoon’s water are so calm and transparent that you will clearly see the marine fauna and flora without the need of a diving mask. The site is known world-wide for its exceptional biodiversity, find yourself enchanted by the place’s beauty. Dive into a translucent water where all kind of fishes swim among corals. L’entrée dans le Parc National est payante (20 000 ariary/personne, soit environ 5 euros). C’est également une visite de son sympathique musée à mi hauteur ainsi qu’une vue panoramique à 360° depuis le phare au sommet datant de 1908. Nosy Tanikely is a little gem, especially if you walk up to the lighthouse (and away from the tourists on the beach), and has been my favorite scuba diving surface interval to date. You will see many colored fishes and many species such as : sea turtles, rays, dolphins and even small harmless sharks. T. anikely is located in the middle of the Bay of Nosy Be, just 5 nautical miles west of Nosy Komba, about 15 minutes by speedboat.. With its great biodiversity submarine, Tanikely became officially since 2010, the natural marine park in the region of Nosy Be. Went diving with Scuba Nosy Be (which I highly recommend), and hanging out on the island was our surface interval!
Nosy Tanikely n’est pas uniquement une magnifique plage de sable blanc avec un superbe lagon. Reconnue mondialement pour sa biodiversité exceptionnelle, laissez vous envoûter par la beauté des lieux et plongez dans une eau translucide où poissons en tout genre nagent au milieu des coraux.
Une excursion à partager en famille pour vous initiez aux joies de la plongée. Despite its small size, Nosy Tanikely is recognized for its remarkable marine and land biodiversity. Scientific studies certify that the site is one of Madagascar’s most important in terms of marine characteristics, the park is thus visited by many holidaymaker every year.
With its great biodiversity submarine, Tanikely became officially since 2010, the natural marine park in the region of Nosy Be.Visitors go there for the day from 7.00 am to 16.00, entrance tickets can be bought at the reception on arrival on site or at the park office in Hell-Ville Nosy Be.Tanikely visitors will have the opportunity to enjoy the beautiful landscapes of the island, and also to observe lemurs, bats and make a short walk to the lighthouse at the top of the island.Access rates to the island range from 500Ar for children to 10 000Ar for adults.For more informations, please visit the following website: