Tarrou's search is highly personal, highly spiritual. He lives ever-sympathetic with men, always aware of his human duty to heal. He sought an innocence impossible to achieve, quite a different kind of impossible absurdity than Rieux sought. À travers ses carnets de notescités de temps à autre par le narrateur et qui tiennent alors lieu de récit, onapprend qu’il a un regard cynique, presque moqueur, sur la ville et seshabitants. Deeply convinced that his lawyer-father was wrong to demand the death sentence for a criminal, and later disillusioned when his revolutionary party guns down former heads of state, Tarrou believes man is too frequently a party to murder. Deeply convinced that his lawyer-father was wrong to demand the death sentence for a criminal, and later disillusioned when his revolutionary party guns down former heads of state, Tarrou believes man is too frequently a party to murder. To Tarrou, murder is the supreme evil in the world.

He sought inner peace by becoming his own moral sentry so as not to bring harm to others. and any corresponding bookmarks? Literature Notes C'est chez Rieux, et accompagné par ce dernier ainsi que par … Jean Tarrou est un étranger à Oran, installé àl’hôtel dont il est l’un des derniers clients. He refuses to be a party to it and thus is rather aloof. In Oran, he keeps notebooks about ironic curiosities which he observes.So serious about life, he is not middle-aged, but a stocky young fellow with a deeply furrowed face. Tarrou has a similar belief in social responsibility as Rieux does, but Tarrou is more philosophical than the doctor, often musing about sainthood, the death penalty, and the absurdity of life. During the chronicle his goal was to become, although he was an atheist, a saint. Test Prep Agissant d’abord en observateur distant, il prend peu à peu part àla lutte contre la peste, se proposant comme organisateur de groupementsd’infirmiers bénévoles et se liant d’amitié avec le docteur Rieux. © 2020 Houghton Mifflin Harcourt. Removing #book# À midi, la fièvre était à son sommet. He rejects rationalizations that include frequent execution of men in the name of justice. Are you sure you want to remove #bookConfirmation# Tarrou forms the volunteer anti-plague effort and works just as hard as Dr. Rieux in battling the epidemic. Study Guides bookmarked pages associated with this title. Lorsque le fléau disparaît enfin, il fait une dernière victime en la personne de Tarrou, l’ami du médecin Rieux, le héros du roman.

All rights reserved. A wanderer who comes innocuously to Oran, he stays to help Rieux battle the plague and becomes its last victim. Camus, La Peste – La mort de Tarrou Une épidémie de peste sévit à Oran, en Algérie, dans les années quarante.

© 2020 Etudier.com Like Camus, he is a chain smoker and greatly enjoys swimming in the sea, also a pleasure of Rieux's. Tarrou, however, dies with a strangely smiling courage, still a strongly ironic man. Rieux's struggle, which he realizes will be finally futile, is not impossible. Tarrou meurt de la peste à la fin du récit, alors même que l'épidémie faiblit et est sur le point d'être enrayée. from your Reading List will also remove any

Grand, Rambert, and Paneloux are all different men afterward. He and Rieux do not essentially change during the siege. A wanderer who comes innocuously to Oran, he stays to help Rieux battle the plague and becomes its last victim. CliffsNotes study guides are written by real teachers and professors, so no matter what you're studying, CliffsNotes can ease your homework headaches and help you score high on exams. Jean Tarrou Agissant d’abord en observateur distant, il prend peu à peu part àla lutte contre la peste, se proposant comme organisateur de groupementsd’infirmiers bénévoles et se …