Sea of Thieves' naval combat can be tough, but we have five tips for you that will help you send your foes to a watery grave. In order to stay moving while also giving the helmsman better handling, raise the sails halfway. Sword fighting in Sea of Thieves uses a combo system. A normal dodge is done by blocking and leaping left or right which will engage a fast dodge. Some know how to do the Block-Lunge: Hold down the right mouse button to block and then do a sword lunge. Practice makes perfect, so get out there and practice!Sea of Thieves Maiden Voyage 100% Completion & Commendations

This should let you predict their movements and will make knowing which way to turn the wheel easier.Raising the sails fully makes it easy for you to turn your ship quickly, but will also leave you a stationary target. But, there is even more to this tool and I will cover these advanced techniques hereThis is a simple addition to the Basic or Block Sword Lunge.

READ: Sea Of Thieves Farming PVP And Ship Combat Guide, Tips & Tricks For Beginners Engage in a Block Lunge.

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Here’s how it is performed:This is the same as the Reverse Leap Lunge, but you leap sideways instead of backwards. They require you to lead your shots and aim slightly higher than where you want your cannonball to go.

Wooden planks allow you to repair damage to your hull so that water doesn't flood the ship and cause it to sink, while cannonballs are the ammunition you need for the cannons on the deck.

Designed as a close range shotgun-type weapon, the blunderbuss is capable of killing other pirates in one shot with a point blank blast to the face. If you hit, it will knock your enemy back while leaving you in the same place.

As mentioned in the last tip, it's critical to give your gunners a good shot, so don't be afraid to trade the high speed for better control. However, you scurvy dogs shouldn't worry; we've got five tips to help you get the edge on your foes and rule the seas.Wooden planks and cannonballs are so vital because they are the primary supplies used in naval combat. I’ve used this to knock players off a ship, but keeping me aboard and ready to fire at them in the water. It can also be useful for hitting multiple targets that are near one another with one lunge… like making a split in bowling. Pay attention to which way the other ship is sailing, and aim your fire a few inches past where you want to hit in that direction. You can unsubscribe at any time and we'll never share your details without your permission.Brendan Lowry is a Windows Central writer with a burning passion for video games, of which he's been an avid fan since childhood. He's relatively new to the writing scene, but he counters that lack of experience with a rock-solid work ethic and a desire to improve at every opportunity.

Slower speed is actually an advantage because you can circle around your opponent constantly instead of just making passes.When firing on the enemy ship, you have to remember that cannonballs have a trajectory arc and do not travel instantly.

However, fighting other vessels with your own is not easy, and it requires practice and patience in order to master the art of doing so. Follow him on Sea of Thieves' naval combat can be tough, but we have five tips for you that will help you send your foes to a watery grave. If you play Sea of Thieves and want to learn some advanced sword lunge techniques to improve your combat skill, this guide is exactly what you need, let’s check it out.The sword lunge is a powerful tool in the right hands. Check out these awesome Xbox-themed LGBT Pride accessories.Sign up now to get the latest news, deals & more from Windows Central!I would like to receive news and offers from other Future brands.No spam, we promise. This latter technique will give you more maneuverability and, if time right, allow you to lunge farther.