I must admit that I was nervous about the entry process, but I had zero issues. Prices in tourist areas are comparable to the US. Experience the best that Cuba has to offer! Also, all travelers should realize that the transportation infrastructure in Cuba is rough, and you should make a strong commitment to understanding responsible travel considerations unique to Cuba. The economic situation in Cuba is very difficult, so you can expect people take interest in you as a tourist with tourist dollars. Lees ook ons Cuba reisblog, onze top 5 blogs: * Internet in Cuba? I flew with Southwest Airlines directly from the US and had zero issues entering/exiting the country. You can travel under this category as an individual or join a tour group, as long as your activities meet the criteria - more details I traveled independently, but spent two days exploring & creating content for I flew directly from the US with Southwest Airlines. However, you will deal with a large amount of catcalling as a solo female traveler. * Met een huurauto door Cuba * Twee weken naar Cuba? Dit veld is bedoeld voor validatiedoeleinden en moet niet worden gewijzigd. The official card price is $2 an hour, although it may cost up to $5 an hour at tourist spots. * Snorkelen en duiken in Cuba * Cuba Reisverslag.
Some airlines include insurance & visa costs in the ticket price. The island of Cuba was “discovered” and claimed for Spain by Christopher Columbus during his first voyage to the New World in 1492. Daarnaast maken we ook gebruik van marketing- en third party cookies om je relevante advertenties op andere websites en via social media te tonen. I dreamed of visiting the Carribean Island - to feel the spirit of a country so different than my own, to engage with the people, and to soak in the island's culture. Het team van Riksja Cuba bestemmingsexperts wenst je veel leesplezier!We komen aan op Schiphol, onze vlucht heeft iets vertraging en we nemen een extra kopje koffie. Let's just say It ain't as cheap as you might think. note: There is an automatic 10% penalty when you exchange USD to CUC conversions, so it's recommended to exchange your US dollars to Euros before arriving and THEN exchange your Euros to CUC. However, I never thought it would be possible due to the trade embargo that was implemented over 50 years ago. To make the most out of your visit, There are some things you should know!YES!

Ronkende oldtimers, cultuur proeven, in contact komen met de lokale bevolking, koloniale steden en kilometers wit palmstrand. Cuba does have an expanding network of ATMs, but don’t expect a US-issued card to work with the machines.

I usually just brush off catcalling, but it was next level in Cuba. If the Etesca store is closed, buy one off of a local in a public park area or visit a hotel. In December 2017, I spent 2 weeks traveling through Cuba. Je vindt hier antwoorden op veelgestelde vragen, (vakantie)tips, actualiteiten en inspirerende ervaringen en onze eigen reisverhalen. I can tell you everything I've learned about Cuba, but it's a place you must experience on your own. You must purchase a wifi card to use in public spots. Always ask multiple vendors about pricing, avoid women asking for milk for their babies, don't buy cigars from people who are selling them on the street, double-check your bill to make sure food or drinks weren't added on(this happened to me), and avoid strangers dragging you to a store/restaurant to leave you with the bill.PLEASE remain respectful of Cuban citizens(or any other humans around the world) that may ask you for money or try to sell you something! It's probably better to enjoy being disconnected, but there some things you should know if you do need to access the internet. Tijdens de koffie vragen we ons af: kunnen we geld wisselen op Schiphol, nemen we dollars mee of kunnen we daar pinnen?