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Projet Mixité; Label Mixité; Paratriathlon.

","show.followers":"Show following {0}","year":"Year","claim.name.does.not.match":"Your name does not match the result’s name. ","TEN_M":"10M","companies":"Company(ies)","overview.chronos.text.twitter.marathon":"#marathon","corporate.company.timeline.2017.5":"Membership platform grows by 20% with 220k+ results claimed!, ","success":"Success","corporate.company.timeline.2017.4":"December 2017 Sportstats awarded all Rock \u0027n\u0027 Roll events in the USA through 2020 adding 400,000+ annual participants. ","corporate.company.timeline.1997.1":"Timed Ironman Canada for the first time","corporate.privacy.l5":"Personal information about an Individual, including name, email address, mailing address, phone number, credit card or other financial information, and a username and password, may be collected when an Individual participates in the Membership Platform (the \"Membership Platform\"). ","faq.race.ranked.gun.chip.2":"Sportstats is not responsible for choosing which time will be used as the official time. ** PLEASE NOTE: everything is subject to change to comply with official Public Health guidelines.Every effort is being made to be able to hold the event while implementing all sanitary measures and physical distancing required by Public Health. {"grid.distance":"Distance","SMALL":"Small","corporate.contact.subject":"Subject","manual.claim.correction.email.subject":"Sportstats Claim Correction","error.no.race.with.id.message":"The race you are looking for does not exist. ","faq.share.racetime.with.friends.1":"Can I share my race times with my friends? ","edit.profile.picture.details.2":"To change your profile picture, first click on Choose a Picture and select an image file from your computer or device. Our team was notified and will get back to you shortly by email. Clicking on the icon will direct you to your race photos hosted on the photo company’s website. place":"Cat. ","none.of.your.facebook.friends.have.a.sportstats.account":"None of your Facebook friends have Sportstats account. You must be logged in with Facebook to see this checkbox. Please try again at a later time. ","navbar.login.register":"Login / Register","grid.split.distance":"Split Distance","password.changed.email.subject":"Your password has been changed","overview.features.text.ads":"Online Advertising","jan":"Jan","corporate.company.timeline.2013.3":"Reached the timing milestone of 600 events/year","FAILURE":"Failure","corporate.company.timeline.2013.2":"First Sportstats franchise opened in eastern Québec City","corporate.company.timeline.2013.1":"Sportstats established a presence worldwide with offices in opening in San Diego, USA and in Singapore","ss.india":"India","error.bib.not.found.header":"Bib number not found. : marath*)","password.reset.email.sent":"The password reset email has been sent.

Try searching for your results without the province included in the search, or even with only your name with no residence attached. ","error.bib.not.found.message":"Bib number : {0} is not assigned for this race","about.awards.details2":"To gain more awards, participate to events timed by Sportstats and claim your results. The personal information of an Individual may be processed and stored in Canada, the United States or such other foreign country, and the governments, courts or law enforcement or regulatory agencies of that country may be able to obtain disclosure of personal information through the laws of the foreign country. You will receive an email with a link to verify your account. ","about.awards.details1":"This page is used to view awards that you have gained by claiming completed race results of various types. 1er triathlon de l’Option SENS - Cégep de Saint-Laurent. ","HALF_MARATHON":"Half Marathon","united.states":"United States","search.results.query":"First Name Last Name City Region","india":"India","index.form.country":"Enter your country (2 or 3 letter code)...","corporate.contact.corrections.info":"No timing corrections will be taken over the phone. ","corporate.privacy.p7":"Sportstats collects and uses an Individual\u0027s IP address to help identify the Individual, gather broad demographic information about users of the Sites, diagnose problems with Sportstats\u0027 systems, and administer the Sites.

If for any reason you did not reset your password, please contact us immediately by sending an email to webmaster@mg.sportstats.ca. ","search.results.tooltip.4":"\"\" (phrasing i.e. ","overview":"Overview","send":"Send","my.dashboard":"My Dashboard","faq.cant.claim.result.13":"clicking here","faq.cant.claim.result.12":"The name on the result does not match the listed name on your profile. More events are now using only Chip time for results posting.